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Bitters & Sweet

Let’s make some cocktails!



As we enter the week of Thanksgiving, I think many of us are conflicted in our emotions. Most of us are used to gathering with lots of family and friends so this year will look different. I’ve pretty much come to terms with it and am looking forward to a day of cooking with my kids and enjoying a more intimate holiday. I could write an entire post about how proud I am of my kids and how they’ve handled a very challenging year. At ages 10 and 13, I have been blown away by their maturity. It sucks to miss out on sports and hanging out with friends but I hope when they look back on 2020, they feel it helped shape their character. That said, I’m sure they’re beyond tired of hanging out with their mom 24/7! I joked with my son that this upcoming Thanksgiving break will be great- lots of family time and quiet days at home. He rolled his eyes. Both of my kids have gotten really good at mocking me about my cocktail hobby. “What’s it going to be tonight, Mom, a negroni or were you thinking an old-fashioned?” or “Wow, I was thinking you could use another cocktail book!” They’re so clever.

Speaking of cocktails, a friend sent me a note a while ago suggesting I try a drink called Serendipity, which was created by Colin Field at the Hemingway Bar of the Paris Ritz Hotel. It’s a cocktail made with Calvados (an apple brandy), apple juice, mint, and champagne. I tried a couple variations that are floating around the web and finally watched this video from Passport Magazine that shows Colin making this drink. Watch it- you’ll briefly find yourself in Paris. When you watch the video, Colin doesn’t give you the exact proportions for the ingredients. He builds the drink in the glass which is lovely but difficult if you’re trying to replicate it! The first time I made the drink, I used fresh pressed apple cider thinking it would be amazing. It ended up overpowering the Calvados and after watching the video, Colin explains that is why he uses a cheap apple juice instead. This cocktail is light and perfect for a fall afternoon/early evening. It would be a nice way to start out your Thanksgiving. It’s also well suited as a drink to enjoy by the fire with a good book. Cheers!

Serendipity, adapted from Colin Field


1/2 teaspoon sugar

1 1/2 oz Calvados

8 mint leaves

1 1/2 oz apple juice (I used Tree Top)

champagne to top

sprig of mint, as garnish


In a tumbler glass, add 1/2 teaspoon sugar, Calvados, and mint leaves. Stir gently, melding the flavors of the mint but careful not to bruise. Add apple juice and a few ice cubes and stir until cold. Top with champagne and give a light stir. Garnish with sprig of mint.

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