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Bitters & Sweet

Let’s make some cocktails!

Paper Plane

Paper Plane

Am I the only one who says, “I hate Covid” on the daily? I’m a very social person and I really miss being able to send out a group text to my crew of friends, rounding everyone up for lunch or evening drinks. I miss my friends from book club and gathering in one of our homes to drink wine, catch up on life, and discuss books. Yes, we actually read books in our club. Virtual book club, while better than nothing, is just not the same and, after four months, it almost feels depressing. I’m glad I have this cocktail adventure to distract me. It’s a small thing but thinking about my evening’s drink takes my mind somewhere a little happier. Adam is very encouraging in this way. The other night he texted me and asked if I wanted anything new from the liquor store while he was over that way and I said that I’d been wanting a bottle of Amaro Nonino but hadn’t been able to find it. It felt like a small win when he came home with a bottle. Then he told me he was going to make me a drink! Understand, he is not a drinker so I’m like, “you don’t really need to do that” (I might have control issues when he takes over anything culinary or mixology related). He told me he was making a Paper Plane which is funny because that’s precisely the drink I intended to make when I was searching for the Nonino!

The Paper Plane was created by Australian mixologist Sam Ross in 2008. Supposedly he named the drink after British rapper, M.I.A.’s song “Paper Planes.” This drink is an equal parts cocktail, which I always appreciate. Made with bourbon, lemon juice, Aperol, and Amaro Nonino, the Paper Plane is awesome from take off to landing. It’s super balanced and refreshing. It hits all the notes- herbal, sour, sweet, and interesting! It might even convince you that you’re sitting at an actual cocktail bar and not just spending another night at home, particularly if you take the time to garnish it with a small paper airplane. This has become my go to request when Adam asks if he can make me a drink, sure to transport me out of my covid funk. Enjoy!

Paper Plane


3/4 oz bourbon

3/4 oz fresh lemon juice

3/4 oz Aperol

3/4 oz Amaro Nonino


Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake for 30 seconds. Strain into coupe glass. Garnish with paper airplane or lemon twist.

Recipe by Sam Ross.



Grapefruit Margarita

Grapefruit Margarita